I meandered down Shaw Heath to The Florist thinking I would be sat alone for a while awaiting everyone's arrival and I walked in to a lovely greeting of familiar faces! Thanks all for coming!

We have made a collective decision, suggested by Judith Beckett that we pick 2 books per month so that we have a choice!
You can read one or both and then just feedback on the one(s) you've read! Some books have little guides for reading groups so we can either use these of freewheel....see how we are feeling!
This months books are (picked a random!).....
1. Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
2. Her last tomorrow - Adam Croft
2. Her last tomorrow - Adam Croft
The next meeting is Thursday April 21st at 8:30pm in The Florist.
Fab to see you all....enjoy your reading and see you in a month!
Sam x

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