Static Yearly Events
Jun - Saturday
Our WI Stall at Cale Green Park
1 -5pm
1 -5pm
As a means of raising funds for our WI members are encouraged to once again start getting crafty to build up a stock of items to sell.
These can be any ‘made’ items including jams if not perishable too soon. Unfortunately for the Park events we can make & sell jam but no piccalilli, mincemeat, marmalade or chutney as other stall sells these!
These can be any ‘made’ items including jams if not perishable too soon. Unfortunately for the Park events we can make & sell jam but no piccalilli, mincemeat, marmalade or chutney as other stall sells these!
We may organise crafternoon events to make 'stuff' to sell & have a little bit of fun. Our last session was a great success at the Blossoms Pub, to whom we are forever greatful for their support of us.
Jam Jars & Tent Pegs
full details via the link
Last year was a two night sleepover in the beautiful camping grounds of Lytham St Annes offering 54 inside accommodation and camping for 160. Booking early always recommended as places fly.
Wigs & Wellies
full details via the link
Last years camping event for WI women was in Mellor.
Booking early always recommended as places fly.
Party Time - It's our Christmas Do
£5 - members only
Details to be announced
Last year it was where we have our monthly meetings
6:30 for 7:00pm. Fully catered cold finger buffet (including Vegan & Gluten Free),
DJ & bring your own booze & Raffle with substantial prizes.
Details to be announced
Last year it was where we have our monthly meetings
6:30 for 7:00pm. Fully catered cold finger buffet (including Vegan & Gluten Free),
DJ & bring your own booze & Raffle with substantial prizes.
outings group is run by the uber organised and energetic Patricia McGivern. We
have been lucky enough to have trips to the theatre to see ‘Dirty Dusting’ and
to the cinema to see ‘Ab Fab’ and ‘Yarn’ at The Savoy. Pat has been busy
getting us all organised for our Christmas ‘do’ in December and she is hoping
to organise an afternoon tea trip in the new year to give us all something to
look forward to after the festivities! Thanks to Pat for doing a sterling job!
June CGWI hosted a stall at the Cale Green Park Summer event. We had asked you
to donate handmade goodies to sell and raise funds for our WI and WOW did you
provide! Our stall was heaving with stuff you’d lovingly made! You volunteered
to set up and organise the stall, run it on the day and pack away at the end!
Brilliant! We made £170.00 profit that day so THANK YOU all! It was a
marvellous day and we were lucky with the weather!!!!
July Phil Catling offered the women an opportunity to go on a tour of the air
raid shelters of Stockport-although it sounds like a claustrophobics worst
nightmare the women that went thoroughly enjoyed it and would highly recommend
Cobley kindly offered to organise a clothes swap back in July. She organised it
at Cale Green Park and laid on tea & cake for people popping in with their
unwanted garments to swap them for something different to spruce up tired
wardrobes! It was a lovely day and Annette is hoping to do it again in Spring
when everyone is starting to think about spring cleaning their tired attire!
August Cale Green WI participated in Manchester PRIDE alongside other fabulous
women from Women’s Institutes across Greater Manchester. This was the first
time WI’s had collectively marched at Manchester PRIDE and Cale Green WI wanted
to be part of this wonderful occasion to ensure anybody who identifies as a
woman is welcome at our WI. It was an AMAZING day and we cannot wait for next

February concert: Song & Light Classics

Organised and co-ordinated by one of our members it was a fabulous event and it was packed!
Cale Green WI rallied together and helped with event preparations, as well as organising all the refreshments and provided the best raffle and vast amount of quality items i have ever seen at a local event.
We made lots and lots of cake, tea, coffee, juice and served (drank) wine to support such a worthwhile cause.
Outings organised by the fab Pat McGivern and Lisa Walsh
Feb - Seriously dead
Mar - Menopause the musical
Mar - Menopause the musical
May - Frazzled by Ruby Wax & afternoon tea at the Plaza.

Cheshire Federation
* Events
* Cheshire Show
National Federation Women's Institute
* WI Headquarters: Latest news and events
* WI Headquarters Campaigns
Events & Meetings are fed into our what's on calendar and on the right hand side of each page.
JAN 2019: Cale Green Club Dates
For general questions or for specific club questions contact the individual club co-ordinators shown next to each club at the meeting, or telephone numbers given on the handouts at monthly meetings.
Mindfulness – 24 January 6.30-8, Blossoms
Sam Phillis
Allotment – Every Weds from 10 (weather permitting!)
Lisa Davies
Book Club – 10 January 8PM, Blossoms
Sam Phillis
Sewing – Back in the new year
Jeanette Archer
Art and Craft – 29 January, 7.30, Blossoms
Jan Gough
Social Events – 29 Jan – Chilli Massala; cancelled 19 Feb – Bongo Bingo, Mar 25 - Les Misérables (~£60)
Margaret Phillis
Quilting – 8 January
Helen Eadie
Gin Club – 21 January
Judith Beckett
Breakfast Club – 15 January
Margaret Phillis
Communal Garden – 17th of each month but weeding help welcome whenever.
Sam Phillis
Friendship Group/Wednesday Social – Wednesday 16 January,
Adswood Youth Centre 9-1 (9.30-12.30 actual social meeting)Lisa Davies /LizLuddington
Other clubs – gardening (finished till Spring); walking; pet sitting; skill swaps; sale and swap; choir; Davenport runners; Blossoms knitty night.
North East Cheshire Group (See Tracey for details):
25 January – Walk @ Lyme Park starting at Nelson Pit Car Park @ 10.15AM promptWalking Netball – Wednesdays 10.30-11.30 @Wilmslow Leisure Centre
(Also ran by Levenshulme WI – see Liz for details)
Cheshire Federation [CFWI] (See Newsletter/Booking Table for details):
28 Jan – Winter County Walk
20 Feb (also 18/19) – County Quiz
14 March – Annual Council Meeting with Beth Tweddle, Northwich Memorial Court
28 March – Literary lunch with Adam Hamdy £25, Cheshire View
10 April – Archives workshops, WI House (return slip by 9 March if interested)
Denman/ NFWI (see Nikki if further details required):
Denman Events –
8 February 2019 (MP Layla Moran on education £42)
15 March 2019 (Dead in the water: catching a killer £42)
21 March 2019 (Gluten free baking demo £67)
5 April 2019 (Bird identification day £67)
9 April 2019 (Daphne Selfe £42)
23 April 2019 (Denman Bake off £42)
25 April 2019 (Sonia Purcell author talk q&a £42)
7 May 2019 (The dressmaker, victorian extravagance £42)
17 May 2019 (Victorian & Edwardian entertainment in oxford £42)
3 June 2019 (Blenheim palace star of tv and film £67)
25 July 2019 (an afternoon with simon king obe £57)
CFWI Visits to Denman (25-27 October 2019) – prices range from £410-£490 and include course, coach and accommodation and meals at Denman.
Course options as follows: wildlife walks, willow creatures, family history, alexander technique, silver clay, gourmet salads or sing your socks off.