Ladies! We have a MASSIVE meeting on Saturday! It is our harvest festival so please bring donations for The Wellspring and we will be singing Jerusalem to celebrate so bring your singing voices too!
Here is a list (its not exhaustive!) of items The Wellspring are short of and also items they have aplenty:
Items they need:
*Tinned savoury pies
*Meat Soups
*Tea & Coffee
*Tinned meats (corned beef/hot dogs etc!)
*Veg soups
*Tomato & Brown Sauce
*Tinned rice Pudding and custard
*Shower gel, liquid soap, roll on deodorant (no aerosols)
*Pie fillings -sweet & Savoury
*Tinned fruit
*Tinned potatoes
*Shaving Foam
They have plenty of:
*baked beans
*kidney beans
*chick peas
*tinned grapefruit
*tinned prunes
*tinned tomatoes
*tinned sweetcorn
*tinned salmon
*tinned spaghetti
Thank you ladies!
So other things you may want to bring include:
*Money for sale & Swap items you have bought
*Sale & Swap items you are passing on to somebody else
*Some money to purchase chocolate goodies from our speaker Jayne Shaw from Cocoa Nut-Grove
*We will also be selling our Cale Green WI mugs for £2.50 for those who don't have one but want one to keep!
*£46.00 for calendar girl tickets (£44 concessions) last chance to buy a ticket
*£10.00 to pay for Bongo Bingos if you are coming with us on 20th November - this needs booking on Saturday night as the tickets sell fast so if you don't bring your money Saturday unfortunately you won't be able to come!
*Margaret is selling lavender for 50p per bag - all proceeds going to our charity for the year The Weekend Day Centre
*Helen is bringing some wares from the stall including alternatives to using plastic for soap etc
*The usual money for raffle tickets and tea/cake
We also have some exciting news about a meal out at The March Hare on 19th October - for £22 you can get a 2 course meal and 2 drinks (bottled lager, bottle of wine between 2, 2 bottles of cider) OR for £27 you can have a 2 course meal plus a bottomless glass of prosecco (this is over a 2 hour period) I have included a link to the menu in the comments. Margaret is checking out if we need to pay a deposit but she will be taking names on Saturday night so check your diaries! I am pretty sure we can drink quite a lot of prosecco over a 2 hour period! I have created an event on the social events group
LOADS Of exciting news and events to fill you in on on Saturday and just a heads up the November meeting (not this month but NEXT months meeting) will start at 4:30pm so doors open at 4:15pm to be finished in plenty of time for bonfire celebrations!
Finally please remember we are taking names of people who are interested in being on the committee for 2019 so please contact us if you would like more information before Saturday or let us know on Saturday night so we can create a ballot paper for our Annual Meeting in November. We have 9 committee places and currently all 9 slots are filled so if you wanted to be on the committee the vote would go to the members at the November Annual Meeting.
Sorry for the long post!
See you Saturday x
Thursday, 4 October 2018
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Things to do in October
Oct: Cale Green Club Dates
Art & Craft - 30 Oct - 7.30pm, Blossoms
Allotment - every Wed from 10am - weather permitting
Book Club - 18 Oct - 8pm, Blossoms
Breakfast Club - 16 Oct - 9.30am, Sivori's
Gardening - Communal Garden - 17th Month - ad-hoc weeding welcomed.
Gin Club - 15 October venue via Facebook
Mindfulness - 14 Oct 6-8, Blossoms
Quilting - 6 Nov - 10 am venue via Facebook
Sewing - 20 Oct – flexible drop in session 10am -2.30pm venue via Facebook
For more details of the clubs please Please click here
Other clubs - walking; allotment; pet sitting; skill swaps; sale and swap; Davenport runners; Blossoms knitty night.
Social Events
09 Oct – Curry Night Chilli Massala (£10,99 & BYOB) book thru' Margaret.
08 Nov – Calendar Girls, Lowry - book thru' Margaret
20 Nov – Bongo Bingo £10 - book thru' Margaret
28 Nov - 02 Dec – See our Friendship Tree @ Christmas Tree Festival, St George's Church
01 Dec – Christmas Party £5 - Members only - book thru' Margaret
Can you Help?
Dec - Our WI Stall @ Cale Green Park - can you make anything to sell, or woman the stall?

The following is co-ordinated by Tracey Bennett, who will be available at our monthly meetings to give you more information & take bookings
North East Cheshire Group (See Newsletter or speak to Tracey):
WEEKLY - Walking Netball - Weds 10.30 - 11.30 @ Wilmslow Leisure Centre
10 October – NECG Autumn Meeting ‘How to travel: Sellotape & a twining teabag’
19 Oct - Autumn walk
16 Nov - Winter outing to Liverpool £10.50
28 November – Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake with Great Moor WI
11 Dec - NECG Carol Service
Cheshire Federation [CFWI] (See Newsletter or speak to Tracey):
4 Oct - County Cycle Ride
13 Oct - Craft Day, Congelton
17 Oct - Autumn Council Meeting, Chester (apply before 17 Aug)
24 Oct - Autumn PAL Meeting, Frodsham
6 & 8 Dec - Christmas at Whitefiriars, 10am - 3.30pm (no need to book)
2 - 18 Dec - Christmas lunches at Dallemain Mansion
28 Jan - Winter Country Walk
20 Feb (also 18/19) - County Quiz
13 Oct - Craft Day, Congelton
17 Oct - Autumn Council Meeting, Chester (apply before 17 Aug)
24 Oct - Autumn PAL Meeting, Frodsham
6 & 8 Dec - Christmas at Whitefiriars, 10am - 3.30pm (no need to book)
2 - 18 Dec - Christmas lunches at Dallemain Mansion
28 Jan - Winter Country Walk
20 Feb (also 18/19) - County Quiz
Events at Denman
you will be notified of these via email & at our monthly meetings(Speak to Nikki)
8 October - learn the secrets of good posture, comfort - £Free
24 Oct - The Lumberjills - £42
you will be notified of these via email & at our monthly meetings(Speak to Nikki)
8 October - learn the secrets of good posture, comfort - £Free
24 Oct - The Lumberjills - £42
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