Thursday 27 October 2016

Cale Green WI Skills Sharing

Promoting our talented members

If you have a skill you would like to share, run a group, activity, etc. Please join our Cale Green WI Skills Sharing Group on Facebook

This is a new group so it is work in progress at the moment and we would welcome ideas on how to run the group. 

Our first thought was we all have skills that are worthy of sharing...even if you think you don't! 

Maybe you are a great baker, or good at spreadsheets, maybe you are handy with a paintbrush, or good at fixing things, can talk someone through something on the computer....really the list is endless and it doesn't have to be something big.

Our thought are that if you need help with something you post it on the Cale Green WI Skills Sharing Group facebook page and if someone can help they will reply. For example you need help baking a birthday cake, but you are not confident, someone else who loves baking might offer to help you.

If you have a skill you'd like to offer then post that too, and if anyone needs that help they can post on your thread.

There is no need for reciprocal sharing, unless you want to. So skills can be shared without any worry of "paying back", but just because it's a nice thing to do.

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